Referencing Penis...
I think if I remember correctly.....
No wait the dessert is called DICK not penis.....
10 stars anyway Harry. >.=.<
Referencing Penis...
I think if I remember correctly.....
No wait the dessert is called DICK not penis.....
10 stars anyway Harry. >.=.<
I love you man...
Not much to say to how great this was, others done it for me, but I'm a big fan of Knuckles Chaotix, and when i saw this on the front page I shat brix.
Brilliant game, and a brilliant flash, the only thing that poked me odd was I didn't "feel the awesome much." The intro was fucking epic, but everything else felt kind of forced...
I think this in general was excellent, and all my 5 are going into that vote, but the missing stars are representative of missing spirit that I used to see put into the Awesome series.
This is not funny. The jokes are not funny. I don't care what awards this has, it's not....fucking....funny....
It's immature, poorly drawn, cheesy, ripoff, but not funny.
The amount of truth in that makes me laugh, except the fact that those are supposed to be 12 year olds...
Egoraptor you do not dissapoint....
Points for the humor, but this is a dub, should more be like for youtube.
So accurate I puked a bit...
I swear, this shit is so fucking accurate to the actual game.
Yes, Otacon DID say that line about japanese animes.
YES, Snake is a horndog....
And yes, Psycho Mantis is breaking the FOURTH FUCKING WALL
Look carefully
You see purple the barrel.
Well done, but short :<
I enjoyed it, but wish there was more.
Also when you mentioned Cinos I started paying attention...
ONE FUCKING LETTER......JUST ONE OFF..... But no, my name has nothing to with the whole Deviant art bullshit, I mean, I never EVER done that before.....totally....yea...
Please don't look me up on DeviantArt I don't do that crap anymore and I changed completely...................
Holy shit when he stabbed the atom...
Age 32, Male
Bakalakadaka Street
Joined on 7/16/10